
Early Years Foundation Stage

End of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Data 2023/24

Judgement of progress in EYFS is outstanding when compared to pupils’ on-entry observations and assessment. The following data confirms this judgement.

  • 37% (3) pupil exceeded expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 80% or over of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving an average progression score of 0.6 or over, above in their end of Reception predicted end point in four or more areas of learning.
  • 63% (5) pupils were expected in their expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 65-79% of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving all their expected end points in each of the 7 areas of learning of development.* It must be noted if a child is exceeding for either their EHCP outcomes or in the seven areas of learning and development and is emerging in the other. The child is deemed as expected.
  • The Cumulative score for each of the 7 areas of learning and development demonstrates children on average score highest in Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Understanding of the World.
  • 100% (8) pupils made progress in all the seven areas of learning and development.
  • Outcomes for pupils across the EYFS department were judged by Ofsted as outstanding in 2024. 

End of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Data 2022/23

Judgement of progress in EYFS is outstanding when compared to pupils’ on-entry observations and assessment. The following data confirms this judgement.

  • 33% (1) pupil exceeded expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 80% or over of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving an average progression score of 0.6 or over, above their end of Reception predicted stage in four or more areas of learning.
  • 66% (2) pupils were expected in their expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 65-79% of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving all their expected stages in each 7 areas of learning of development.* It must be noted if a child is exceeding for either their EHCP outcomes or in the seven areas of learning and development and is emerging in the other. The child is deemed as expected.
  • The Cumulative score for each of the 7 areas of learning and development demonstrates children on average score highest in Understanding of the World and Expressive Art and Design.
  • 100% (3) pupils made progress in all the seven areas of learning and development.


End of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Data 2021/22

Judgement of progress in EYFS is outstanding when compared to pupils’ on-entry observations and assessment. The following data confirms this judgement.

  • 50% (5) pupils exceeded expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 80% or over of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving an average progression score of 0.6 or over, above their end of Reception predicted stage in four or more areas of learning.
  • 50% (5) pupils were expected in their expectations based on assessment of personalised EHCP outcomes, by achieving 65-79% of their challenging EHCP outcomes, in the four key areas of: Personal Social and Emotional Development including independence and self-help, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Development and Cognition and Learning and achieving all their expected stages in each 7 areas of learning of development.* It must be noted if a child is exceeding for either their EHCP outcomes or in the seven areas of learning and development and is emerging in the other. The child is deemed as expected.
  • The Cumulative score for each of the 7 areas of learning and development demonstrates children on average score the highest in the prime areas of learning and development: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • 100% (10) pupils made progress in all the seven areas of learning and development.

Key Stage 1 - 4

Progress at the end of key stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 2023/24

KS1 – 4

When benchmarked against the NWSCAP progression tables and School Judgement (see Table 16)

  • In English, 90% (28) pupils made expected progress or above, 55% (17) exceeded expectations and 10% (3) pupils were emerging towards their expected progress.
  • In Mathematics, 94% (29) pupils made expected progress or above and 62% (19) exceeded expectations and 6% (2) pupils were emerging towards their expected progress.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 1 - 4 against their Education, Health and Care Plan targets (EHCP):

  • 23% (7) pupils achieved the Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP , 29% (9) pupil achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 32% (10) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and  10% (3) pupils achieved the majority of their EHCPs, 3% (1) pupil achieved the minority of their EHCP targets and 3% (1) achieved almost no/few of their EHCP targets.


Key Stage 1

When benchmarked against the R-KS1 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement (see Table 1)

  • In English, 93% (13) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 64% (9) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 93% (13) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 64% (9) exceeded expectations.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets (see Table 2):

  • 21% (3) of pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets, 29% (4) achieved the very large majority of their EHCP targets, 29% (4) achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets, 14% (2) achieve the majority of their EHCP plans and 7% (1) achieved the minority of the EHCP targets.



Key Stage 2

When benchmarked against the KS1-KS2 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 4)

  • In English, 100% (8) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 100% (8) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (8) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 100% (8) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets(see Table 5):

  • 37.5% (3) of pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets, 37.5% (3) achieved the very large majority of their EHCP targets and 25% (2) achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 3

When benchmarked against the KS2-KS3 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 7)

  • In English, 80% (4) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (5) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 20% (1) exceeded expectations.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 3 against their Education, Health and Care targets (see Table 8):

  • 40% (2) achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 40% (2) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 20% (1) achieved almost no/very few of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 4

When benchmarked against the KS3-KS4 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 10)

  • In English, 75%(3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 75% (3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, and 25% (1) exceeded expectations. 


When considering the achievement of all individual pupils in Key Stage 4 against their EHCP outcomes (see Table 11):

  • 25% (1) pupil achieved the vast overwhelming majority of their EHCP outcomes, 50% (2) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP outcomes, 25% (1) pupil achieved the majority of their EHCP outcomes.

Progress at the end of key stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 2023/24

KS1 – 4

When benchmarked against the NWSCAP progression tables and School Judgement (see Table 16)

  • In English, 90% (28) pupils made expected progress or above, 55% (17) exceeded expectations and 10% (3) pupils were emerging towards their expected progress.
  • In Mathematics, 94% (29) pupils made expected progress or above and 62% (19) exceeded expectations and 6% (2) pupils were emerging towards their expected progress.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 1 - 4 against their Education, Health and Care Plan targets (EHCP):

  • 23% (7) pupils achieved the Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP , 29% (9) pupil achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 32% (10) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and  10% (3) pupils achieved the majority of their EHCPs, 3% (1) pupil achieved the minority of their EHCP targets and 3% (1) achieved almost no/few of their EHCP targets.


Key Stage 1

When benchmarked against the R-KS1 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement (see Table 1)

  • In English, 93% (13) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 64% (9) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 93% (13) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 64% (9) exceeded expectations.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets (see Table 2):

  • 21% (3) of pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets, 29% (4) achieved the very large majority of their EHCP targets, 29% (4) achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets, 14% (2) achieve the majority of their EHCP plans and 7% (1) achieved the minority of the EHCP targets.



Key Stage 2

When benchmarked against the KS1-KS2 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 4)

  • In English, 100% (8) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 100% (8) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (8) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 100% (8) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets(see Table 5):

  • 37.5% (3) of pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets, 37.5% (3) achieved the very large majority of their EHCP targets and 25% (2) achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 3

When benchmarked against the KS2-KS3 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 7)

  • In English, 80% (4) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (5) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 20% (1) exceeded expectations.


When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 3 against their Education, Health and Care targets (see Table 8):

  • 40% (2) achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 40% (2) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 20% (1) achieved almost no/very few of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 4

When benchmarked against the KS3-KS4 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 10)

  • In English, 75%(3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 75% (3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, and 25% (1) exceeded expectations. 


When considering the achievement of all individual pupils in Key Stage 4 against their EHCP outcomes (see Table 11):

  • 25% (1) pupil achieved the vast overwhelming majority of their EHCP outcomes, 50% (2) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP outcomes, 25% (1) pupil achieved the majority of their EHCP outcomes.


Progress at the end of key stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 2022/23

The data below confirms the judgement that progress across Key Stages 1-4 is outstanding.

End of Key Stage (EOKS) summary of progress against personalised EHCP outcomes

Evidence confirms the vast majority achieved or made good progress toward challenging personalised EHCP targets.

10% (2) pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP targets.  50% (10) pupils achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets.  15% (3) pupils achieved the large majority or their EHCP targets.  25% (5) pupils achieved the majority of their EHCP targets. 

KS1 – 4

When benchmarked against the NWSCAP progression tables and School Judgement (see Table 15)

When benchmarked against the NWSCAP progression tables and School Judgement (see Table 15)

  • In English, 90% (18) pupils made expected progress or above, 55% (11) exceeded expectations and 10% (2) pupil was emerging towards their expected progress.
  • In Mathematics, 95% (19) pupils made expected progress or above and 70% (14) exceeded expectations and 5% (1) pupil was emerging towards their expected progress.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 1 - 4 against their Education, Health and Care Plan targets (EHCP):

10% (2) pupils achieved the Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP , 50% (10) pupil achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 15% (3) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and  25% (5) pupils achieved the majority of their EHCPs.

Key Stage 1

When benchmarked against the R-KS1 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement (see Table 1)

  • In English, 86% (6) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 43% (3) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 86% (6) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 43% (3) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 1 against their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) targets (see Table 2).

  • 14% (1) one pupil achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets; 58%(4) pupils achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets and 14% (1) one pupil achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 14% (1) pupil achieved the majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 2

When benchmarked against the KS1-KS2 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 4)

  • In English, 100% (4) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 100% (4) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (7) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 100% (7) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets(see Table 5):

  • 75% (3) of pupils achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, and 25% (1) of pupils achieved the majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 3

When benchmarked against the KS2-KS3 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 7)

  • In English, 83% (5) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 33% (2) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (6) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 50% (6) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 3 against their Education, Health and Care targets (see Table 8):

  • 17% (1) pupil achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets, 33% (2) achieved the very large majority, most of the their EHCP targets, 17% (1) pupil achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 33% (2) achieved the majority of the their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 4

When benchmarked against the KS3-KS4 NWSCAP Progression Charts (see Table 10)

  • In English, 100%(3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, 66% (2) of pupils exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (3) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, and 66% (2) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of all individual pupils in Key Stage 4 against their EHCP outcomes (see Table 11):

  • 33.3% (1) pupil achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets; 33.3% (1) pupil achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 33.3% (1) achieved the majority of their EHCP targets.

Qualifications and Accreditation

In Key Stage 4 pupils also work towards qualification and forms of accreditation: 100% (3) of pupils entered achieved the Gold ASDAN Transition Challenge (Highest Level).


Student Destinations 

 100% (3) students continued their education moving onto 16-19 study in our Sixth Form department.


Progress at the end of key stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 2021/22

All our pupils are working below age expected standards in reading, writing and maths.  

Summary of progress against personalised EHCP outcomes

Evidence confirms the vast majority achieved or made good progress toward challenging personalised EHCP targets.  

17% (4) pupils achieved the Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP , 31% (7) pupil achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 31% (7) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets,  13% (3) pupils achieved the majority of their EHCPs, 4% (1) pupils achieved the minority of their EHCPs and 4%(1) achieved the very small minority of their EHCPs. 

Overall KS1 – 4 Data

Progress when benchmarked against the NWSCAG Progress Charts and school judgement 

  • In English, 96% (22) pupils made expected progress or above, 70% (16) exceeded expectations and 4% (1) pupil was emerging towards their expected progress.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (23) pupils made expected progress or above and 83% (19) exceeded expectations.

Key Stage 1

When benchmarked against the R-KS1 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement:

  • In English, 100% (6) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 100% (6) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (6) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 100% (6) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 1 against their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) targets.

  • 50% (3) pupils achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets; 33%(2) pupils achieved the very large majority, most and 17% (1) of pupils the large majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 2

When benchmarked against the KS1-KS2 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement:

  • In English, 100% (7) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectation, of these 71% (5) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (7) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 100% (7) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 2 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets:

43% (3) of pupils achieved the very large majority, most of their EHCP targets, 29% (2) of the pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets and 14% (1) of pupils achieved the majority of their EHCP targets and 14% (1) pupil achieved the very small minority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 3

When benchmarked against the KS2-KS3 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement:

  • In English, 100% (4) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 75% (3) exceeded expectations.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (4) of pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, of these 50% (2) exceeded expectations.

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 3 against their Education, Health and Care targets:

  • 25% (1) pupil achieved the vast/overwhelming majority of their EHCP targets,  50% (2) achieved the large majority of the their EHCP targets and 25% (1) pupil achieved the majority of their EHCP targets.

Key Stage 4

When benchmarked against the KS3-KS4 NWSCAP Progression Charts and School Judgement:

  • In English, 83% (6) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, 67% (4) of pupils exceeded expectations and 17% (1) made emerging progress.
  • In Mathematics, 100% (6) pupils made expected or exceeded expectations, and 67% (4) exceeded expectations. 

When considering the achievement of all individual pupils in Key Stage 4 against their Personalised learning Intention Targets:

  • 33% (2) pupils achieved the very large majority of their EHCP targets; 33% (2) pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP targets, 17% (1) achieved the majority of their EHCP targets and 17% (1) achieved the minority of their EHCP targets.

Qualifications and Accreditation for KS4

In Key Stage 4, pupils also work towards qualification and forms of accreditation: 100% (6) of pupils entered achieved the Gold ASDAN Transition Challenge (Highest Level).

Annual reading scores

100% (34 pupils) were tested on the Rising Stars Year 1 or 2 reading test and scored. For a school with severe learning difficulties this is an excellent achievement. Of these:

41% (14 pupils) are working at Year 1 expectations in reading comprehension.

KS4 Student Destinations 

In 2021-22 a 83% (5) students continued their education moving onto 16-19 study in our Sixth Form department and 17% (1) student continued their education moving onto 16-19 study in another Sixth Form provider.   

Please click here to access the Department for Education's Performance Tables for our school


Sixth Form

Sixth Form Data 2023-24
The Sixth Form curriculum focuses on preparing students for life beyond school. All students work towards meeting their End of Key Stage targets.  These targets are personalised to help pupils prepare for adulthood.  In addition, students achieve a range of qualifications, accreditations and awards.
The data below supports the judgement that progress of Sixth Form leavers is outstanding.  
Destinations Data
100% (9) gained the skills to continue their education in further education, the community and at home. 89% (8) students progressed to further education 11% (1) students continued their educational opportunities at home and in the community.
  • 22% (2) students progressed to Further Education College: Valley College
  • 33% (3) students progressed to Further Education College: Myerscough
  • 33% (3) students progressed to Further Education College: Blackpool and Fylde College
  • 11% (1) student will pursue his educational aspirations in community settings.
Summary of progress against personalised EHCP outcomes
When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 5 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets (see 1):
56% (5) of the pupils achieved the Vast majority of their EHCP outcomes, 22% (2) large majority or most of their EHCP outcomes, 11% (1) pupil achieved the majority of their outcomes and 11% (1) pupil achieved the minority of their ECHP outcomes.
Personal and Social Development: 100% (9) of the students achieved a accreditation or a qualification in Personal and Social Development
22% (2) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 3.
11% (1) of the students achieved an Award in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 3.
11% (1) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 2.
11% (1) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 1.
11% (1) of the students achieved an Award in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 1.
34% (3) of the students achieved an Award in ASDAN Personal Progress at Entry Level 1.
Functional Skills: English: 89% (8) of the students achieved a unit qualification in English and Communication.
34% (3) of the students achieved two unit qualifications in English as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Developing communication and Developing Reading.
11% (1) pupil achieved a grade 3 GCSE in English Language.
44% (4) of the students achieved Ascentis qualification in English. See breakdown below:
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Reading.
25% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Spelling.
Grammar and punctuation
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Grammar and punctuation.
Receiving and responding
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in receiving and responding.
11% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in receiving and responding.
11% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in speaking.
22% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in speaking.
Functional Skills: Mathematics: 78% (7) of the students achieved a unit qualification in Mathematics.
34% (3) of the students achieved modules in Mathematics as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Early Mathematics: developing number skills.
11% (1) pupil made progress towards achieving a Functional Skills L2 Mathematics achieving 27 out of 30.
44% (4) of the students achieved a Ascentis qualification in Mathematics. See breakdown below:
Using Calculations – Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
22% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Level 1 qualification in Using Calculations – Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Understanding Number
22% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Level 1 qualification in Understanding Number
Understanding and Using Decimals
22% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Level 1 qualification in Understanding and Using Decimals
Developing and Applying Addition and Subtraction Skills
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Developing and Applying Addition and Subtraction Skills
Developing and Applying Number Skills
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Developing and Applying Number Skills
Division of Whole numbers
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Division of Whole numbers.
Multiplication of Whole numbers
22% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Multiplication of Whole numbers.
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Decimals
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Time.
Money - Addition and Subtraction
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Money - Addition and Subtraction
Developing and Applying Shape and Space Skills
33% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Developing and Applying Shape and Space Skills
Whole numbers
11% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Whole number.
11% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Addition skills.
Understanding Shape and space
11% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Understanding Shape and space.

100% (9) of the students achieved an ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Independent Living Skills (Meal Preparation)

100% (9) of the students achieved ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Work Related Learning (Starting Out)

67% (6) of the students achieved ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Cultural development (The Wider World)


89% (8) of the students achieved a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.

89% (8) of the students achieved an accreditation in The Arts (Arts Award) achieving Discover Level.

89% (8) of the students achieved a V10 Vinspired Award.


Sixth Form Data 2022-23 

The Sixth Form curriculum focuses on preparing students for life beyond school. All students work towards meeting their End of Key Stage targets.  These targets are personalised to help pupils prepare for adulthood.  In addition, students achieve a range of qualifications, accreditations and awards.

The data below supports the judgement that progress of Sixth Form leavers is outstanding.  

Destination Data

100% (4) gained the skills to continue their education in further education, the community and at home. 50% (2) students progressed to further education 25% (1) students continued their educational opportunities at home and in the community and 25% (1) student completed voluntary work in preparation for work 

  • 25% (1) students progressed to Further Education College: Blackpool and Fylde College 
  • 25% (1) student progressed to Further Education College: Beaumont College
  • 25% (1) student will prepare for work through voluntary work experience.
  • 25% (1) student will pursue his educational aspirations in community settings.
  • In addition, 1 student left school in year 12 and progressed to Blackpool and Fylde College and a job in a local kitchen 

Summary of progress against personalised EHCP outcomes

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 5 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets (see 1):

  • 25% (1) of the pupils achieved the Vast/ overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP outcomes
  • 25% (1) of the pupils achieved the very large majority or most of their EHCP outcomes
  • 25% (1) of the pupils achieved the large majority of their EHCP outcomes
  • 25% (1) of the pupils achieved the majority of their EHCP outcomes

Personal and Social Development: 100% (4) of the students achieved a accreditation or a qualification in Personal and Social Development

25% (1) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal Progress.

25% (1) of the students achieved an ASDAN Entry Level Award in Personal Progress at Entry Level 1.

50% (2) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 2.

Functional Skills: English: 100% (4) of the students achieved a unit qualification in English and Communication.

25% (1) of the students achieved a module in English as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Engaging in the World Around You

25% (1) of the students achieved a module in English as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Making Requests and Asking Questions in Familiar Situations

50% (2) of the students achieved a Ascentis qualification in English.


25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Reading.

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Reading.


25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in spelling.

Receiving and responding

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in receiving and responding.

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in receiving and responding.


15% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in speaking.

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in speaking.

Functional Skills: Mathematics: 100% (4) of the students achieved a unit qualification in Mathematics.

25% (1) of the students achieved modules in Mathematics as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Developing Number Skills; Measure  

25% (1) of the students achieved modules in Mathematics as part of their Personal Progress qualification; Engaging with World Around You: Objects

50% (2) of the students achieved a Ascentis qualification in Mathematics.

Whole numbers

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Whole number.

Shape and space

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Shape and space.

Handling data

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Handlin Data


25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Addition.

Developing and Applying Addition and Subtraction Skills

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Developing and Applying Addition and Subtraction Skills

Developing and Applying Number Skills

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Developing and Applying Number Skills

Division of Whole numbers

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Division of Whole numbers.

Money: Adding and Subtracting

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Money: Adding and Subtracting.

Multiplication of Whole Numbers

25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Multiplication of Whole Numbers


25% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 3 qualification in Time.


  • 100% (4) of the students achieved an ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Independent Living Skills (Meal Preparation)
  • 100% (4) of the students achieved ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Work Related Learning (Starting Out)
  • 50% (2) of the students achieved ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Cultural development (The Wider World)


  • 100% (4) of the students achieved a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
  • 100% (4) of the students achieved an accreditation in The Arts (Arts Award) achieving Discover Level.


Sixth Form Data 2021-22 

The Sixth Form curriculum focuses on preparing students for life beyond school. All students work towards meeting their End of Key Stage targets.  These targets are personalised to help pupils prepare for adulthood.  In addition, students achieve a range of qualifications, accreditations and awards.

The data below supports the judgement that progress of Sixth Form leavers is outstanding.  

Destination Data

100% (6) gained the skills to continue their education in further education, the community and at home. 83% (5) students progressed to further education 17% (1) students continued their educational opportunities at home and in the community.

  • 17% (1) student progressed to Further Education College: Preston’s College
  • 17% (1) student progressed to Further Education: Blackpool and the Fylde Collage
  • 33% (2) students progressed to Further Education College: Myerscough College
  • 17% (1) student progressed to Further Education College: Beaumont College
  • 17% (1) student will pursue their educational aspirations at home and in community settings.

Summary of progress against personalised EHCP outcomes

When considering the achievement of individual pupils in Key Stage 5 against their Educational, Health and Care Plan targets:

  • 33% (2) of the pupils achieved the Vast/ overwhelming majority or almost all of their EHCP targets.
  • 50% (3) of the pupils achieved the very large majority or most of their EHCP targets.
  • 17% (1) of the pupils achieved the majority of their EHCP targets.

Personal and Social Development: 100% (6) of the students achieved a qualification in Personal and Social Development

  • 17% (1) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal Progress.
  • 50% (3) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 1.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved a Certificate in ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD) at Entry Level 2.

Functional Skills: English: 100% (6) of the students achieved a unit qualification in English and Communication.

  • 17% (1) of the students achieved modules in English as part of their Personal Progress qualification including a module in, Developing Communication Skills.
  • 83% (5) of the students achieved Ascentis qualification in English:


  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Reading.
  • 50% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Reading.


  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in spelling.

Receiving and responding

  • 50% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in receiving and responding.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in receiving and responding.


  • 50% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in speaking.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in speaking.

Functional Skills: Mathematics: 100% (6) of the students achieved a unit qualification in Mathematics.

17% (1) of the students achieved modules in Mathematics as part of their Personal Progress qualification, including modules in Sequencing and Sorting and Shape.

83% (5) of the students achieved Ascentis qualification in Mathematics:

Whole numbers

  • 50% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Whole number.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Whole number.

Shape and space

  • 50% (3) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Shape and space.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Shape and space.

Handling data

  • 17% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Handlin Data

Addition with whole numbers

  • 17% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 1 qualification in Addition.
  • 33% (2) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Addition with whole numbers.


  • 17% (1) of the students achieved an Ascentis Entry Level 2 qualification in Time.


  • 100% (6) of the students achieved an ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Independent Living Skills (Meal Preparation)
  • 83% (5) of the students achieved ASDAN: Towards Independence accreditation in Cultural development (The Wider World)

Sixth Form students’ outstanding achievements are also confirmed by:

  • 100% (6) of the students achieved a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
  • 83% (5) of the students achieved an accreditation in The Arts (Arts Award) achieving Discover Level.
  • 17% (1) of the students achieved an accreditation in The Arts (Arts Award) achieving Explore Level.

Due to the nature of our school population Sixth Form performance table data is not relevant and does not demonstrate our pupils achievements.



Please click here to access the Department for Education's Performance Tables for our school.